Control legal spend and improve the claims litigation process

Gallagher Bassett's litigation management solutions are designed around the idea that early assessment and skilled evaluation of cases ultimately reduces the amount of time, effort, and cost associated with successful claim resolution. Our solutions are built on decades of professional claims management experience, legal best practices, and access to advanced data analytics from millions of claims.

With our in-house team of experienced attorneys, and partnerships with skilled industry practitioners, we offer our clients valuable benefits, including but not limited to:

  • Pre-litigation client consulting
  • Assessment of claim/case, settlement negotiation with claimant, etc.
  • Oversight of clients' outside counsel
  • Manual review of every bill and legal direction for most efficient and effective case resolution.

Proactively monitor legal costs with our innovative LegalSuite™

Each LegalSuite™ program is impactful on its own — and combined, they provide a comprehensive set of capabilities, metrics, analytics, and insights to understand, manage, and improve the value of your legal services and associated claim outcomes. Programs include:

Comprehensive bill review

The Legal Spend program is a comprehensive solution that enables smarter and more efficient claims handling, better visibility into and control of costs, and effective management of your litigation portfolio. Some highlights include:

  • Cost control through real-time budget tracking and professional legal bill review, proven to reduce outside counsel spend by up to 15%
  • Online dashboard provides complete visibility to optimize litigation timelines and facilitate successful outcomes
  • Advanced reporting, analysis, and measurement for improved decision making and business intelligence.

Fair assessment of law firm performance

The objective of the Legal Score program is to provide clients with actionable insights about how outside counsel is performing so improvements can be made in specific areas.

The program uses outcome-focused measurements to analyze performance in three distinct areas, listed in order of weight given to each area.

Claims results

Claims results metrics are most closely tied to outcomes and are most easily objectively measured in terms of expense-to-loss ratio, duration, loss, and expense. They can also be adjusted for complexity to show apples-to-apples comparison.

Resolution Manager satisfaction

The factors associated with Resolution Manager satisfaction are more subjective in nature but play an integral role in claims outcomes. Based on internal surveys of our trusted claims professionals, we measure law firms on their communication, cost effectiveness, legal effectiveness, and overall impact on the claim outcome.

Gallagher Bassett firm utilization

Finally, we look at how many Gallagher Bassett clients the law firm serves and the number of closed claims. This is an objective measurement with subjective insights, as it can provide a performance bump for firms with high volumes of closed claims and/or clients served.

Performance results are available to clients via a set of configurable dashboards that allow clients to see overall results and/or to drill down into specific metrics.

Monitor claims for likelihood of litigation

The Litigation Avoidance program is designed to identify workers' compensation claims with a high likelihood of litigation and provide clients with a set of mitigation strategies to reduce the chance of the claim going to court.

While such claims only account for 10% of all workers' compensation claims, they represent 60% of the total cost. So, identifying cases early in the claims process gives Resolution Managers and clients the opportunity to take proactive steps to avoid costly lawsuits.

Our predictive data model was built on years of experience and analyzing millions of workers' compensation claims to identify factors that contribute to a claim being litigated. The model, combined with the experience and skills of tenured Resolution Managers, ensures that these claims get the right attention early, resulting in fewer litigated claims, improved outcomes, and lower costs.

Make Gallagher Bassett your partner for better litigation management

With our multi-disciplinary approach to superior claims management, risk monitoring, and legal best practices, we offer the most comprehensive litigation management services in the industry.

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