By: Jennifer Cogbill Jeanne Fryman


November 20, 2023 — An annual survey of attendees at the National Comp Conference found that more than half of respondents ranked increasingly complex claims in the top three most concerning issues, followed by workers' compensation (WC) litigation.

As the priority to address these operational challenges increases for organizations, so too does the need for partnering with claims and risk management organizations that are dedicated to delivering clinical resources for injured workers having similar complex care needs as their recovery evolves. While partnering has traditionally focused more on claims expertise, expert clinical nursing services and tailored advocacy strategies in WC programs now play a vital role in supporting injured workers, reducing potential harm and mitigating unnecessary risk.

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 Jennifer Cogbill

Jennifer Cogbill

SVP — GBCARE Client Services
Jeanne Fryman

Jeanne Fryman

Senior GBCARE Advisor

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