Oklahoma Medical Direction of Care

2014 Oklahoma Statutes Title 85A. Administrative Workers' Compensation System §85A-50. Failure to provide medical treatment - Medical examination - Fee schedule - Formulary.


Content below from - https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2014/title-85a/section-85a-50/ 

A. The employer shall promptly provide an injured employee with medical, surgical, hospital, optometric, podiatric, and nursing services, along any with medicine, crutches, ambulatory devices, artificial limbs, eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, and other apparatus as may be reasonably necessary in connection with the injury received by the employee. The employer shall have the right to choose the treating physician.

B. If the employer fails or neglects to provide medical treatment within five (5) days after actual knowledge is received of an injury, the injured employee may select a physician to provide medical treatment at the expense of the employer; provided, however, that the injured employee, or another in the employee's behalf, may obtain emergency treatment at the expense of the employer where such emergency treatment is not provided by the employer.

2017 Oklahoma Statutes Title 85A. Administrative Workers' Compensation System §85A-56. Certified workplace medical plans.

Content below from - https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2017/title-85a/section-85a-56/

A. If the employer has previously contracted with a certified workplace medical plan, the employer shall select for the injured employee a treating physician from the physicians listed within the network of the certified workplace medical plan. The employee may apply for a change of physician by utilizing the dispute resolution process set out in the certified workplace medical plan on file with the State Department of Health.

B. If the employer is not covered by a certified workplace medical plan, the employer shall select the treating physician. The Commission on application of the employee shall order one change of treating physician. Upon the Commission's granting of the application, the employer shall provide a list of three physicians from whom the employee may select the replacement.

Benefits of the Oklahoma CWMP:

  • Employers choose the CWMP treating physician
  • CWMP and Employer may direct all care within the CWMP for the life of a claim
  • CWMP includes recommended UR triggers and case management to control costs and promote early RTW
  • UR and case management are initiated by the Gallagher Bassett Resolution Manager
  • Limited to one change of treating physician through the dispute process


For additional information regarding Gallagher Bassett's Oklahoma Certified Medical Workplace Medical Plan offering, please contact your Gallagher Bassett Account Executive.


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