Welcome to Gallagher Bassett's (GB) special Internet site designed to keep our clients updated on our California Network Service Entity (NSE) Medical Provider Network (MPN) - the Gallagher Bassett Platinum MPN, and other pertinent regulations for California employers.

The Value of Implementing a California MPN:

  • No MPN – the employer directs medical care for 30 days. After 30 days, the employee may select his or her own treating physician.

  • With MPN - the employer selects the initial treating physician from within the MPN and directs the employee to that physician for an initial visit. Thereafter an employee may select any medical provider within the MPN to provide further treatment.

  • If an employee has properly predesignated their personal physician in both circumstances listed above, the employee may treat with their own personal physician from the moment of injury forward without consideration of the employer’s right to control medical care for the first 30 days or an employer’s MPN. 

California Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) MPN Regulations, Effective August 27, 2014:

The Office of Administrative Law (OAL) has approved the Division of Workers’ Compensation’s (DWC) final version of the Medical Provider Networks (MPN) regulations, one of the sections that implemented major reform provisions of Senate Bill 863. The MPN regulations went into effect August 27, 2014.  The DWC MPN Regulations, are governed by Title 8 California Code of Regulations, Chapter 4.5. Division of Workers' Compensation, Subchapter 1. Administrative Director -- Administrative Rules, Article 3.5.  Medical Provider Networks:  Sections 9767.1 - 9767.19.  To view the MPN Regulations, please click on this text - http://www.dir.ca.gov/t8/ch4_5sb1a3_5.html .

To view California Labor Code 4616 that pertains to the MPNs, please click on this text -  http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=LAB&sectionNum=4616 .

To view the entire California Code of Regulations, please click on this text - http://www.dir.ca.gov/t8/ch4_5sb1.html . 

Gallagher Bassett offers our Platinum MPN as the ultimate network solution for California.


To download the MPN Employee Notification documents for your employees, please click on one of the following icons on the left side of the screen.  Should your MPN not be listed, please contact your GB Account Manager.

  • Platinum MPN #2346 (RX is First Script)
  • Platinum-M MPN #2471 (RX is myMatrixx)
  • Platinum-H MPN #2470 (Rx is Optum)


All California Employers are still required to adhere to California Regulations pertaining to the DWC-7 posting, Time of Hire Pamphlets, and Pre-designation Forms

Predesignation of Personal Physicians and Reporting Duties of the Primary Treating Physician Regulations

Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Sections 9780, 9780.1, 9783, 9783.1, and 9785

DWC-7 Notice to Employees Poster Injuries Caused by Work

The required posted notices are covered under LC 3550 and CCR 9881.

Time of Hire Pamphlet “Facts About Workers’ Compensation”

The time of hire pamphlet is covered under LC 3551 and CCR 9880.

For additional information regarding Gallagher Bassett's Platinum MPN, and other products & services offered by Gallagher Bassett, please contact your Gallagher Bassett Account Executive.

DISCLAIMER. The content of this Web site is provided for informational purposes only, from a general insurance/risk management perspective, with the understanding that Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc. (GB) is not rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice on specific matters. Accordingly, GB assumes no liability whatsoever in connection with the use of such content. GB recommends that you consult your legal counsel or other professional advisor with respect to your individual situation.

The information provided throughout this Web site is provided from a general insurance/risk management perspective and is NOT legal advice. Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc. (GB) does not provide legal advice as it is not qualified to do so. GB recommends that you seek the advice of legal counsel in order to become fully apprised of the legal implications related to the information provided above as such implications are highly dependent on the unique facts and circumstances applicable to an individual situation.

California Drug Formulary